Last Updated on by San San

Let’s start from the beginning. I believe that almost every one of you has heard of His Majesty the sherbet. When this name is mentioned to all of us right before our eyes come to a picture of a dessert that has bright colours and the smell of summer.

This dessert is a great idea for cooling down during the summer heat. It is a frozen dessert that looks like ice cream and is made from fruit or fruit juices. So, let’s get on with this – can diabetics eat sherbet?

Dairy products and eggs are also added to this delicacy, to obtain a creamy texture that can not leave anyone indifferent. But the question we will ask ourselves today is can diabetics eat sherbet? Does this frozen dessert match the diet of diabetics and does it have any consequences for blood sugar? Continue reading this text to find out.

Can Diabetics Eat Sherbet Or Not?

To the delight of those who have a sweet tooth, the answer to this question is yes, diabetics can eat sherbet. But such permission comes with small restrictions.

This dessert is allowed to be consumed occasionally if it is a substitute for other carbohydrates in the meal plan. The emphasis here is on the occasional consumption of sherbet and on calculating and paying attention to the carbohydrates that are consumed with this dessert.

One of the reasons why it is recommended to consume this dessert only temporarily is that it contains high levels of sugar.

Anything that is not the actual thing is flavouring and colouring which is not healthy for people with diabetes. This is because the base of the sherbet is sugar syrup to which fruit puree or infusions are then added. Many people think that sherbet is a healthier variant of ice cream, but this is not the case because it has a huge amount of sugar in it to copy the original taste of the fruit, although it has lower values of calories and fat.

Sherbet or Sorbet – What is the Difference?

As we have said, the sherbet is made with fruit or fruit juices, water, and dairy products. To get a creamy texture, milk or heavy cream is added to this dessert, and sometimes these dairy products are supplemented with egg pieces.

On the other hand, we have the sorbet and the main difference between these two seemingly identical frozen desserts is that the sorbet is made exclusively from fruit or fruit puree mixed with water. This means that the sorbet does not contain any dairy products or eggs, and is one of the oldest desserts in Italy that can be found in a variety of flavours today. It’s a classical dish to Italians without being the unhealthy version of sherbet today.

Strawberry Sherbet, Dessert for Diabetics?

Now that we have answered the question can diabetics eat sherbet, it is time to offer you a recipe that is by the diet of diabetics.

All you need to make this dessert is 1/3 cup apple juice concentrate or fruit and berry concentrate, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1/2 cup water, and 5 cups fresh strawberries. The preparation procedure first begins with washing and stemming the berries. Then put the fruit concentrate, water, and lemon juice together in a blender. Once this mixture is combined, add half of the total amount of the berries and blend until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then add the rest of the berries and blend again until the mixture is combined.

The resulting mixture is placed in a suitable container and placed in the refrigerator to freeze. After a few hours, this dessert is ready to serve it.

Nutritional Value of the Rainbow Sherbet

The nutritional value of the sherbet is 0% fat, 140 calories, 25 milligrams of sodium, 35 grams of carbohydrates, 40 milligrams of calcium, 60 milligrams of potassium, and 27 grams of sugars.

Homemade Ice Cream for Diabetics – A Healthy Alternative

homemade ice cream for diabetics

If you are afraid of the amount of sugar in the sherbet then you always have the option to make homemade ice cream for diabetics which will also cool you down on the summer days.

All you need to make this ice cream is three ripe avocados, three bananas to be peeled, chopped, and frozen, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, 1/4 cup unsweetened milk, and you can add extra flavourings that are allowed in the diet (for example citrus). The procedure is as follows. Put the avocado in a blender, and add the bananas, and vanilla extract. Process the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.

The resulting mixture will be thick, so during the blending gradually add the milk to dilute the mixture and get a nice creamy texture. When you get a homogeneous mixture, you can add the additional ingredients of your choice.

Put the mixture in the refrigerator for a few hours and after it freezes, the ice cream is ready to be served.

Can Diabetics Eat Sherbet? The Conclusion

As we have seen, people often have ambiguities about the diet of diabetics and wonder about the dietary restrictions it imposes.

One such question is can diabetics eat sherbet. We can conclude that this dessert is allowed to be consumed very rarely and in limited quantities due to the very high level of sugar that the sherbet has, which is harmful to the health of diabetics. Although many people think that sherbet is a healthier variant of ice cream, things are not always as they seem on the outside.

When it comes to nutrition, everyone, especially diabetics, should be aware of the nutritional value of food and its possible consequences. So, when it comes to consuming sherbet, it is advisable not to exceed the allowed limits, and whenever possible it would be desirable to make a healthy recipe for this dessert that is intended exclusively for diabetics.


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