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Is Weight Loss a Sign Of Pregnancy?

Do you notice any change in your body these past few weeks? Did you notice that your waistline and breasts have changed? Or do you experience any changes in your menstrual pattern? Does this mean that you may be pregnant?

Different women can experience different pregnancy symptoms. Each body can react differently because of the bodily changes.  So, is weight loss one of the signs of pregnancy?

Does Weight Loss Indicate Pregnancy?

Could weight loss indicate pregnancy? If you are sexually active, it may be a cause of concern for you. The answer is no. Weight loss and pregnancy rarely go hand in hand. It’s the opposite, and you will start to gain weight once you are pregnant.

Unless you are experiencing weight loss because of pregnancy symptoms, then you may be pregnant. Otherwise, if you are not experiencing any pregnancy symptoms despite losing weight, you are not pregnant.

Many symptoms of pregnancy are similar to those when you experience your period. So these signs and symptoms might not necessarily you are pregnant.

If you are still not sure, perform a pregnancy test, the results are 100% true. But even before you do a test, other signs can indicate you are pregnant. Know these early signs of pregnancy and why they occur.

Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Is Weight Loss a Sign Of Pregnancy

A woman’s body undergoes hormonal changes if pregnant. These changes cause a myriad of symptoms to come out. The degree of the symptoms can vary from woman to woman. Some only have mild symptoms, but others experience stronger symptoms.

Here are symptoms of pregnancy that you need to look out for:

Obvious Signs Of Pregnancy

These signs are mostly universal among women. If you have any of these signs, there is a high chance that you are currently pregnant. 

Morning Sickness – Morning sickness is one of the first symptoms that appear during pregnancy. Morning sickness is also commonly known as morning nausea. It can happen anytime, day or night, and it tends to start 2 to 8 weeks after conception. 

The mildness of the symptoms can vary on the individual. Some don’t experience nausea, while others experience severe nausea. Only a few women vomit and don’t experience headaches or dizziness.

Nausea doesn’t indicate pregnancy, but if persistent, it could mean pregnancy.

Missed Or Late Periods. – Another most common reason that many suspect pregnancies are when their periods are missed or late. Pregnancy is not the only reason that women can experience late or missed periods. Birth control pills, stress, and weight fluctuations can cause late periods.

Certain diseases such as thyroid disease and diabetes can cause later periods too. Consult your doctor promptly if you are not sexually active.

On the other hand, if a week or more has passed and you still experience no periods, it may indicate pregnancy. However, this is unreliable if your menstrual cycle is irregular. The only way to verify if your missed or late periods indicate pregnancy or not is through pregnancy tests.

Swollen Or Tender Breasts – Hormonal changes in a woman’s body early in the pregnancy also cause changes in the breasts. It causes it to grow, and it can become sensitive and sore. You may feel discomfort for the next few days or weeks while the body is still adjusting.

Fatigue – Feeling frequently fatigued and sleepy may also indicate pregnancy. During the early stages, the body’s hormones levels will spike up, and that includes progesterone. This hormone causes women to feel sleepy.

Frequent Urination – Another sign of pregnancy is frequently visiting the bathroom to urinate. You will also feel thirsty more than ever before.

The body works full time to produce more blood during pregnancy for the fetus. It drives the kidneys to process more liquid which then ends up in your bladder.

Constipation – Another hormone that increases during pregnancy is progesterone. As a result, the bowels are slowed down. Constipation is common in pregnant women

Other Signs Of Pregnancy

There are other signs of pregnancy that aren’t as obvious. Others may not experience some of these signs at all.

Mood Swings – The spikes in hormone count can cause mood swings. Pregnant women can experience a flood of emotions, and they can be unusually happy or sad.

Cravings –  Some women experience food cravings in the first or second trimester of their pregnancy. Why food cravings happen is anyone’s guess. There is no solid explanation for cravings, but it is theorized that hormonal changes have something to do with it.

Food Aversions – Food aversions are the opposite of cravings. Even if they used to love a particular food, they may start to hate it due to pregnancy. Their noses become more sensitive to certain tastes and orders. They will change their food preferences.

Cramping – Some women may experience cramps in their lower abdomen. The reason for the cramping is due to the growing uterus that is putting pressure on the bladder.

Bloating – A pregnant woman’s stomach can feel bloated, giving the impression that you need to pass gas. However, not necessarily. The body’s digestive system is slowing down, and that’s why they feel bloating.

Runny Nose – Increased hormone and blood levels also cause the mucus membrane on the nose to swell. The nose can get dry easily and may even cause nose bleeds. But in most cases, you will only have a runny nose.

Losing Weight When Pregnant 

Losing weight itself doesn’t indicate weight loss. However, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then you may be pregnant and lose weight. Weight loss can happen during pregnancy. Here is why weight loss happens during pregnancy.

Nausea – Nausea is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. When you have nausea, you experience vomiting and appetite loss. Fortunately, the baby has enough nutrients in the early trimester to grow on its own.

Lifestyle Changes – Once you consult a doctor about your pregnancy, they will advise you what nutrition you should take. A healthy diet and exercise can then cause weight loss.