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Magnesium L-Threonate Withdrawal

Magnesium L-Threonate Withdrawal

People who use magnesium supplements run the danger of having an excessive amount of magnesium in their bodies. The symptoms of cramping, nausea, depression and low blood pressure can all be caused by taking in excessive amounts of magnesium.

It may be necessary for you to stop taking magnesium supplements but you may suffer magnesium L-threonate withdrawal.

You must make an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible if you suffer any of the symptoms of magnesium toxicity. Magnesium is a mineral that plays an important role in the body’s various activities, including nerve function, the regulation of blood sugar, the synthesis of protein, and the control of blood pressure.

It can be found in foods such as seeds, nuts, leafy green vegetables, and cereals that are completely unprocessed. However, many people also take magnesium supplements to control their bowel motions and aid in the healing of their muscles.

When consuming food products, it is unusual to consume an excessive amount of magnesium; nevertheless, this is more likely to occur when using magnesium supplements.

People who already have kidney problems, among others, are at a greater risk of consuming an excessive amount of magnesium. Here is how to recognize the symptoms of having too much magnesium and how to seek the assistance you require.

How Much Magnesium is Considered Excessive?

Magnesium L-Threonate Withdrawal

The recommended daily intake of magnesium for adult men is between 400 and 420 milligrams, and the recommended daily intake of magnesium for adult women is between 310 and 320 milligrams. It is estimated that over 48 percent of Americans do not get enough magnesium from their diets, which is why supplementation is so widespread.

When using magnesium supplements, you should never drink more than the tolerated upper intake level, which is 350 mg per day for those who are 9 or older. The Food and Drug Administration established this threshold. If you take more than that dose, you may begin to experience symptoms as soon as the second day.

The amount of magnesium that various magnesium supplements have to offer varies. Magnesium-specific supplements often include 200 mg or more of the mineral, but a multivitamin may contain only 100 mg of magnesium at most.

The Side Effects of Magnesium

Magnesium L-Threonate Withdrawal

If you take in an excessive amount of magnesium, the first symptoms that may present themselves are cramps, diarrhoea, and nausea.

When the concentration of magnesium in your blood reaches 1.74 to 2.61 millimoles per litre, this indicates that you may be suffering from magnesium poisoning. When this occurs, you might also notice additional symptoms, such as the following:

  • Weakness in the muscles
  • and a lowering of blood pressure.
  • A sudden rush of water to the face.
  • Keeping the fluid in place.
  • Lethargy.
  • Depression.
  • Confusion.

Magnesium toxicity of a severe degree can result in difficulty breathing, a rapid heartbeat, and even cardiac arrest. People who consume excessive amounts of magnesium have a very small risk of developing deadly hypermagnesemia, an electrolyte disease that is most common in those who are suffering from kidney failure. The symptoms of magnesium toxicity can build up over time, particularly if you are taking supplements that have a high amount.


If you are taking a supplement that contains magnesium and you begin to experience symptoms of magnesium poisoning, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. This is especially important if you have recently started using the supplement.

The first step in treating magnesium toxicity is to discontinue the use of any nutritional supplements or pharmaceuticals that contain magnesium. Your magnesium levels should drop to roughly half of what they were for the average adult within twenty-eight hours after discontinuing the use of any medications or supplements, and you should start to feel significantly better.

However, the length of time required for this process is heavily reliant on the level of kidney function, given that magnesium is typically eliminated from the body through the kidneys.

If your levels are incredibly high, or if you have difficulties with your kidneys, your doctor may decide to give you an intravenous diuretic. This will help you generate more urine and eliminate magnesium more rapidly, but only if your levels are particularly high.

Calcium gluconate or calcium chloride may be prescribed by a doctor if your symptoms are severe and include low blood pressure or loss of muscle function. These drugs can neutralize magnesium in the body, so preventing it from altering the part of your nerves and muscles.

People who suffer from kidney disease have a more difficult time recovering from their condition because their kidneys may be less able to handle magnesium. It may be necessary for a patient to undergo dialysis to remove magnesium from their blood in more severe situations. Within just four hours, the quantity of magnesium that is present in the blood can be cut in half by the process of dialysis.

Factors, Danger and Their Interplay

The danger of magnesium overdose is rather low for the typical healthy adult who takes magnesium supplements. People who are at the greatest risk typically either have an underlying illness that impairs kidney function or are taking drugs or supplements with a very high dose. Both of these factors can put a person in danger.

Patients with cancer who are undergoing therapies such as chemotherapy, which can reduce the number of blood cells in their bodies, are also at an increased risk of having magnesium levels that are too high. Magnesium can be released into the body when red blood cells swell to the point where they burst, a process known as cellular hemolysis.

Because high doses of magnesium are typically administered to patients suffering from preeclampsia to prevent seizures, pregnant women who are undergoing treatment for preeclampsia are at an increased risk of developing the condition. Magnesium treatment for these patients is often administered for a brief period, typically for less than 24 hours. The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning against continuing to use it for more than five to seven days at a time. During your therapy, your physician will keep a close eye on you to look for any signs of magnesium toxicity.

Even though taking a magnesium supplement might not appear dangerous, several medications already contain magnesium, and taking a magnesium supplement might interact with those medications and raise your risk of toxicity. Among the medications that can cause interactions with magnesium supplements are:

  • Bisphosphonates are a type of medication that is used to treat osteoporosis.
  • Antibiotics like demeclocycline (trade name: Declomycin®) and doxycycline (trade name: Vibramycin®), for example.
  • Diuretics.
  • Some proton-pump inhibitor medications are taken to lower the amount of acid produced by the stomach.

Concentrate on consuming foods that are rich in magnesium, such as chia seeds, spinach, and black beans, to raise the amount of this mineral that your body takes in. If you are still having trouble with it, taking a magnesium supplement can be helpful, and the risk of taking too much of it is quite low. You should never keep your supplement use a secret from your physician and always discuss it with them. Many have the potential to interact negatively with drugs or to produce hazardous effects.

Magnesium L-Threonate Withdrawal Effect

Magnesium L-Threonate Withdrawal

The first step in treating magnesium toxicity is to discontinue the use of any nutritional supplements or pharmaceuticals that contain magnesium. Your magnesium levels should drop to roughly half of what they were for the average adult within twenty-eight hours after discontinuing the use of any medications or supplements. You may feel some unpleasant withdrawal but it won’t take long, you should start to feel significantly better.

But take note, if a magnesium shortage is not treated, you run the risk of developing symptoms such as tingling and numbness, changes in personality, abnormal heart rhythms, and seizures. If you see any signs of deficiency, it is essential to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician.


Users of magnesium supplements run the risk of having their bodies contain an excessive amount of the mineral because of the supplement. Consuming an excessive amount of magnesium may result in a variety of unpleasant side effects, including cramps, nausea, sadness, and a drop in blood pressure. These are the warning signs that you may have an excess of magnesium, as well as the steps you may take to receive the assistance you require.

People who ingest an abnormally high amount of magnesium have a very low chance of having hypermagnesemia, which is an electrolyte condition that occurs most frequently in patients who are experiencing kidney failure. The first step in treating magnesium poisoning is to stop using any nutritional supplements or pharmaceuticals that include magnesium. This includes both over-the-counter and prescription medications.

A normal healthy adult who takes magnesium supplements faces a relatively minimal risk of magnesium overdose as a result of their consumption of these supplements. People who have an underlying condition that inhibits kidney function or who are taking medications or supplements at an extremely high level are often the ones who are at the highest risk.

When red blood cells enlarge to the point where they burst, magnesium can be released into the body as a byproduct of this process. Both the risk of ingesting too much magnesium and the risk of overdosing on magnesium is rather modest for most people. If you observe any symptoms of magnesium deficiency, you need to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician as soon as possible.

The first step in addressing magnesium poisoning is to stop using any nutritional supplements or medicines that include magnesium. This should be done as soon as possible. You may feel some unpleasant withdrawal effects but it won’t take long, you should start to feel significantly better.

Magnesium L-Threonate Side Effects

Magnesium L-Threonate Side Effects

Magnesium is typically obtained by humans through their diet and can be found in high concentrations in a variety of dark green leafy vegetables and nuts. It is important to our bodies. However, are there any magnesium L-threonate side effects?

The compound magnesium L-threonate Magnesium L-Threonate, abbreviated as MgT, is a newer, more advanced form of the element magnesium. It can be found in a dictionary of chemical symbols.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) created this more bio-available version of the vitamin as a dietary supplement to increase a variety of cognitive functions, such as learning and short-term and long-term memory. Because this supplement is still relatively new, more in-depth research on this ingredient has not yet been conducted.

The following is a synopsis of what is now known about how this derivative of a basic mineral that is commonly supplemented could potentially have a major impact on cognitive ability.

The Impact of Magnesium L-Threonate on the Body

Magnesium L-Threonate Side Effects

Magnesium is already required by the body for the proper operation of a great many of its fundamental processes. Magnesium is normally found in amounts of 25 grams throughout the human body at any given moment.

It has an important role in the development of bones, as well as in improving the efficiency of nerve communication and the body’s ability to respond to stimuli. In addition to this, it raises energy throughout the central nervous system and stimulates the metabolism of glucose.

Recent research conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Tsinghua University in Beijing discovered that Magnesium L-Threonate greatly increased the activity and flexibility of synapses. This indicates that the connections between neurons have a greater propensity to develop and demonstrate behaviours consistent with healthy and effective communication.

This was notably true in the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for all memory functions. This action may be achieved in part by magnesium L-ability threonates to increase the volume of cerebrospinal fluid found in the brain.

The Advantages of Magnesium L-Threonate

Magnesium L-Threonate was found to produce synaptic activity in test subjects, which in turn led to significant improvements in several types of memory in those subjects. Memory recall was improved, most noticeably in older patients.

This suggests that MgT may have an effect that slows down the natural deterioration in memory that occurs with advancing age. When brain tissues get older, they become less flexible and less likely to generate new synapses. This makes it harder for new connections to form.

Memory loss and an inability to learn new information, in general, are both side effects of this process, which also prevent the formation of new neural connections. Researchers are keeping their fingers crossed that MgT will be able to solve this issue.

It has also been demonstrated that the chemical can alleviate persistent neuropathic pain. There is significant disagreement regarding whether or not these benefits are noticeably distinct from those that can be accomplished by taking the typical amount of magnesium sulfate recommended. Memory improvement is observed in response to both chemicals’ presence.

These benefits are in addition to the typical benefits that magnesium provides, which include improvements in bone strength and neuron function as well as general boosts in mental and physical energy through increases in glucose production.

Magnesium deficiency has also been associated with irregular heartbeat, which is a condition that can be improved with the judicious use of magnesium supplements. In conclusion, magnesium tablets are frequently taken by people who have trouble falling or staying asleep. The mineral is a good treatment for insomnia since it is a natural muscle relaxer and can also help to calm the brain before night.

Magnesium L-Threonate Dosage and Administration

Magnesium L-Threonate Side Effects

The Advantages of Taking Magnesium L-Threonate

It is generally agreed that the recommended magnesium dosages for adults are 400 milligrams (mg) per day for men and 300 milligrams (mg) per day for women.

The majority of commercial products on the market that includes magnesium L-threonate provide as much as two thousand milligrams per serving. It is essential to take into consideration the fact that this quantity will correspond to around 140 mg of magnesium element in a form that is easily absorbable.

The majority of people take magnesium supplements in a ratio of one magnesium supplement to three calcium pills. When magnesium is used as part of a program to boost cognitive performance, many people combine it with oxiracetam, which reduces magnesium’s antagonism to NMDA receptors. This combination is known as a “stack.” Synaptic plasticity could potentially be increased as a consequence of this action in the theoretical sense.

Magnesium L-Threonate Can Cause the Following Side Effects

  • “Headaches, tiredness, and an impression of increased blood flow to the head are the only negative reactions to magnesium l-threonate that have been described yet. In general, taking magnesium supplements might cause stomach distress, which is one of the negative effects. The majority of the types work as laxatives.”
  • Magnesium, in all of its forms, can cause major negative effects if taken in excessive amounts. For certain individuals, taking very high quantities of magnesium (more than 350 milligrams per day) might result in dangerously low blood pressure, an erratic pulse, and severe brain fog. An extreme overdose has the potential to be fatal.
  • Magnesium should be fully avoided by anyone who has problems with their kidneys or who is taking medicine that affects the kidneys. Increasing the amount of magnesium in the diet can put an excessive strain on the kidneys. People who have been diagnosed with heart issues such as heart block should also avoid the mineral because it is dangerous for them.

Because it is a relatively new version, there has not been much in-depth research conducted on the adverse effects of Magnesium L-Threonate; nonetheless, the contraindications for Magnesium Sulfate should be very comparable.

An Examination of Magnesium L-Threonate

The cognitive benefits of magnesium sulfate are well-known; nevertheless, it’s possible that magnesium L-threonate could be an even more effective way to get those benefits. Memory for the short term, memory for the long term, and overall learning ability were all increased in test subjects.

Although it is not recommended for people who have kidney or heart disorders, it is at least as safe and effective as a regular magnesium sulfate supplement, which is regularly used by people all over the world.

It seems that magnesium L-threonate has better absorption rates and cognitive effects that are more intense than standard formulations.

The majority of people who take magnesium supplements do so in conjunction with calcium or with oxiracetam, both of which are intended to enhance memory performance. As additional data is accumulated, the use of magnesium trioxide (MgT) may someday become the method of choice for getting one’s daily dose of this very common and vital mineral.


Magnesium L-Threonate, often known as MgT, is a formulation that combines magnesium with L-threonic acid to increase the bioavailability of magnesium. The human body uses magnesium as a co-factor in more than 300 different enzymatic activities, however, despite this, 57% of the population in the United States is magnesium deficient.

Mechanism: plays a role in the regulation of a variety of biochemical reactions, including protein synthesis, the function of muscles and nerves, the metabolism of energy, the growth of bone, the function of the cardiovascular system, the regulation of blood glucose, sleep, mood, and other reactions.

Dosage: 200 – 500 mg each day.

Side Effects: It is likely safe for oral use when administered in the recommended doses. A dose that is too high may result in a dry mouth, a drop in blood pressure, sleepiness, muscle weakness, sluggish reflexes, and changes in the rhythm of the heart.

Synergy: This supplement can interact with others that affect platelet aggregation, including calcium, vitamin D, boron, and zinc.

What Time Of Day Should I Take Magnesium L-Threonate?

What Time Of Day Should I Take Magnesium L-Threonate?

Do you feel the need to take magnesium L-threonate supplements? But you wonder what time of day should I take magnesium L-threonate? We were previously aware of how important Magnesium L-Threonate is for the maintenance of our bodily well-being.

It is useful as a supplement for treating depression, stress, and anxiety, in addition to being a protector of our brain cells. However, because magnesium supplements do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier very efficiently, the benefits of taking them are limited. The great news is that magnesium L-threonate might be able to fix that problem and provide us with entirely new benefits at the same time.

Magnesium L-Threonate: A Brief Explanation

The most recent addition to the family of magnesium chelates is magnesium L-threonate. Magnesium supplements are frequently chelated, which means that the magnesium molecules are bound to another molecule. This is done so that the magnesium can be absorbed more effectively. The magnesium supplement will be more stable and bioavailable as a result of this. It’s a fortunate turn of events.

A group of researchers at MIT came up with this most recent chelate, and they have since filed a patent for it. Magnesium L-threonate is capable of entering the brain and is simple to absorb. Once there, it has the potential to slow or even stop the ageing process in our brains. It has already been demonstrated to be beneficial for people suffering from anxiety disorders, cognitive impairment, and sleep difficulties. The fact that people who were given the supplements experienced slow brain ageing. It is the reason why this is such an intriguing new study.

How Does Magnesium L-Threonate Work?

What Time Of Day Should I Take Magnesium L-Threonate?

The majority of individuals do not obtain enough magnesium to meet their body’s requirements, and the majority of the medications that we take just make the problem worse. However, magnesium is essential for the proper operation of the brain.

The blood rather than the brain stores the majority of the magnesium that you consume daily. Therefore, the benefits it provides to us are restricted.

Magnesium L-threonate is fantastically useful in these three ways:

  • It passes across the barrier between the blood and the brain with ease.
  • This may increase the amount of protein which may promote the growth of new brain cells.
  • It promotes neuroplasticity in the body. This refers to the capacity of our brains to develop and adapt over time. 

Protector of the Mind

Because of a gradual loss of brain cells and synapses as we become older, our brains gradually become smaller. It should come as no surprise that this has significant negative effects on brain function. The Synapse is the little gap that exists between neurons and is responsible for the transmission of electric impulses from one neuron to the next.

The cells in our brains communicate with one another in this way so that we can process information. One neuron can have thousands of synapses. A drop in the number of synapses in the brain is a strong sign of cognitive decline.

Researchers have discovered that the best way to stop cognitive decline is to stop the loss of synapses and increase their density. This is the key to stopping cognitive decline. Magnesium L-threonate raises the amount of magnesium that is readily available in the brain, which in turn leads to an increase in neuronal density. 

The Investigations

Studies have been conducted on people in their 50s and 70s who were already experiencing symptoms of cognitive impairment, such as memory loss, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. During the study, each participant received either a placebo or a dose of magnesium L-threonate ranging from 1,500 mg to 2,000 mg per day. The study lasted for a total of 12 weeks.

Cognitive tests were administered by the researchers at 6-week intervals. Participants were given memory tasks that used their working memory, attention, executive function, and episodic memory (memory of an experience). 

The following was discovered by the researchers about the subjects:

It was found that there was a big increase in magnesium in the body. This was shown by the fact that there was a lot of magnesium in the urine and the number of red blood cells went up.

It is an indication of cognitive decline when we experience weaker brain function on some days than we do on other days. The subjects, on the other hand, had relatively modest deterioration in their cognitive function.

Researchers observed that there was a considerable improvement in participants’ brain function—much more so than there was any fluctuation. Their mental thinking speed and executive function execution both improved significantly. Some people reported seeing significant changes as early as the sixth week of treatment. By the end of week 12, all of the individuals had significantly advanced their cognitive growth in the areas that were tested. The most interesting thing was that the average brain age of the people got younger as the experiment went on. 

Brain Age

How old is a person’s brain? The cognitive function of an individual is what determines their “brain age,” not their chronological age. When determining a person’s brain age, both physiological metrics and mental performance are taken into consideration. In the investigations that were discussed earlier, the subjects had an average chronic age of 57.8 years, while their average brain age was 68.3 years. This was due to the decline in cognitive abilities that the individual had self-reported.

After the supplement was administered, there was a significant reduction in the average brain age of those who took part in the study, which went from 69.6 years to 60.9 years by the time the six weeks were done. After 12 weeks of participation in the trial, the participants’ brain ages had been further lowered by a cumulative 9.4 years. This represents a change in brain age of about ten years! 

Age Regenerator

Magnesium always has the effect of making the brain look younger. It has been known for a very long time that increasing the amount of magnesium in the brain will increase both synaptic density and neuroplasticity. The density of synapses: When there are more synapses, it is easier for the brain to process information.

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s capacity to change its structure, create new connections, and adapt to new environments. Neuroplasticity refers to the capacity of our brains to learn new things, change, and adjust to new circumstances.

Because magnesium is so beneficial to the brain, you may believe that taking a high-quality supplement is all that is required to get the necessary amount. However, one study found that even if your blood magnesium levels were increased by 300 percent, the levels in your brain would only increase by 19 percent. The blood-brain barrier is to blame for this phenomenon. It’s hard to say enough about how important it is to take a magnesium supplement that can quickly get through this barrier. 

Choosing a Beneficial Dietary Supplement

Magnesium L-threonate, often known as MgT, has been shown to reduce anxiety in animals by lowering the number of memories that are based on a generalized sense of fear. A consequence that may also occur in human beings. Check the label to see if it mentions magnesium L-threonate. Magnesium on its own is not sufficient.

When Should I Take the Magnesium L-threonate that I Bought?

What Time Of Day Should I Take Magnesium L-Threonate?

The majority of magnesium L-threonate supplements have similar dosing instructions and recommendations. If you are taking the supplement in capsule form, you should take one capsule upon waking up and another two capsules just before retiring to bed. If you choose to consume the supplement in powder form, then you should combine one level scoop of the powder with equal parts water and fruit juice and consume the mixture either in the morning or the evening.

It is recommended that a daily dose of 1,500 mg to 2,000 mg be taken. Although the labels of many products state 1,500 milligrams, the typical dosage is divided across three capsules. A dose of MgT that is 2,000 milligrams will have 144 milligrams of magnesium in it.

You can get MgT in a variety of generic forms, but if you like, you can also look for it under the brand name Magtein. Before taking MgT, you should discuss any medications you are currently taking with your primary care provider. It has a significant impact on the way several well-known medications work.

Drowsiness, headaches, and a feeling that more blood is flowing to the head are the only negative reactions that have been attributed to taking this dietary supplement. Additionally, there is a possibility of a slight laxative effect. It’s possible that the huge benefits of protecting your brain and living a happier life are more than enough to make up for the fact that these side effects might happen.


The magnesium L-threonate chelate is the most recent member to be added to the family of magnesium chelates. It has been demonstrated to be effective when used as a supplement for the treatment of anxiety, stress, and depression. Once it reaches our brains, it has the potential to significantly slow down or perhaps halt the natural ageing process that occurs there.

Magnesium L-threonate causes an increase in the quantity of magnesium that is readily available in the brain, which in turn leads to an increase in neuronal density. A significant indicator of cognitive decline is a decrease in the number of synapses, which are the connections that form between brain cells.

Stopping the destruction of these synapses is the most effective method for halting the progression of cognitive decline. People who took part in an experiment investigating the effects of magnesium supplementation on cognitive function and brain age reported considerable benefits in both areas.

After undergoing the treatment for a period of six weeks, the individuals’ average brain ages dropped from 68.3 years to 60.9 years.

This results in an almost ten-year difference in the brain’s age! Magnesium L-threonate, often known as MGT, has been found to lessen anxiety in mice by diminishing the number of memories that are based on a generalized sense of fear. This effect was shown when the animals were given MGT.

MGT is often taken in a dose ranging from 1,500 mg to 2,000 mg per day, which is then split across three capsules. If you are taking the supplement in capsule form, you should take one capsule upon waking up and another two capsules just before retiring to bed.

Magnesium L-Threonate Powder

Magnesium L-Threonate Powder

People sometimes ask, “what exactly does it mean when someone refers to something as “magnesium L-threonate power?” Magnesium is a cofactor that is required for the action of over 300 enzymes that are involved in the processes of biosynthesis and the metabolism of energy. Magnesium is an essential mineral. It is essential for a great deal of the work that the brain does, as its applications demonstrate.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of whom had previously won the Nobel Prize in chemistry, had only recently discovered a new molecule known as Magtein. It has been demonstrated that magnesium is involved in a wide number of functions that take place in the brain.

The bulk of magnesium compounds, on the other hand, has poor bioavailability in the brain and severe adverse effects on the gastrointestinal system.

There is only one magnesium chemical known as Magtein, and it is the only one that has been proven to successfully enhance the levels of magnesium in the brain. This leads to greater learning capacities, enhanced working memory, and improved short-term and long-term memory in animals of all ages, particularly in older animals.

It has been shown that Magtein can increase magnesium levels in the brain without putting anyone at risk.

Studies on the mechanism of action of Magtein and the good benefits it has on cognitive function have recently been reported in several studies that have been published in publications that are regarded in high esteem. These works have been published in scientific journals.

Magnesium L-Threonate’s Benefits and Applications

Magnesium L-Threonate Powder

Numerous studies have shown that magnesium plays an essential role in the formation of memories, the maintenance of a stable mood, and the defence of the brain against a wide range of different types of stress.

On the other hand, a large number of other studies have indicated that magnesium supplements, particularly forms such as magnesium oxide, have a somewhat difficult time increasing the amounts of magnesium in the brain to statistically significant levels.

As a consequence of this, magnesium L-threonate is the only form of magnesium that is capable of producing appreciable effects on general cognition at present. The only type of magnesium that has been shown to have a substantial impact on overall awareness is magnesium L-threonate. Magnesium L-threonate can be found in several sports drinks.

When magnesium enters the brain, it mostly interacts with NMDA receptors, which are an important part of the process by which new memories are formed. These receptors are dispersed across the entirety of the brain.

Magnesium can a connection with a specific area of the NMDA receptor, which is situated within the receptor itself. When magnesium binds to this particular site on the receptor, it functions as a blocker for the receptor, preventing the receptor from carrying out its normal activity.

As a consequence of this, the brain is protected against the potentially detrimental effects that would be brought on by excessive activation of the NMDA receptor. When it comes to the activation of NMDA receptors, which are necessary for the creation of memories, magnesium has an effect that is significantly different from any other mineral’s function.

It achieves this by simultaneously reducing background activation while simultaneously boosting the number of NMDA receptors that are present in the brain. When the NMDA receptors are active during the process of memory formation, this indicates that the NMDA receptors will have a far more robust reaction than they would have otherwise. This will cause the encoding of memories to occur more swiftly and profoundly. 

Magtein Magnesium L-Threonate Dosage

As a dietary supplement, magnesium L-threonate should be consumed twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, exactly two hours before going to bed each time. Each time, the recommended dosage is one thousand milligrams. During the first week of taking this supplement, you should only take 1,000 milligrams of Magtein Magnesium L-Threonate in the evening.

Magnesium L-Threonate Magtein

Magnesium L-Threonate Powder

  • The category of item in question is powder. 
  • Each container contains either sixty or one hundred twenty grams of the substance.
  • This product comes in bottles that contain either 30 or 60 individual servings.
  • Magnesium L-Threonate should be taken as a dietary supplement twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, two hours before retiring to bed. 
  • The recommended dosage is 1000 milligrams (mg) each time. This is the dosage that is advised. 
  • During the first week of taking this supplement, you should only take 1,000 milligrams of Magtein Magnesium L-Threonate in the evening.


Store it at room temperature in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight. It is important to stay out of extreme heat and direct sunlight.


Do not leave this item in a place where children can access it. Do not take this or any other dietary supplement if you are under the age of 18, pregnant or nursing a baby, have any known or suspected medical difficulties, or are currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications.

You must consult with a certified medical practitioner about your plans to start using any new dietary supplement before you go ahead and start using that product. This product is not meant to diagnose diseases, treat diseases, cure diseases, or stop diseases from happening in the first place.


A new chemical called Magnesium L-Threonate Magtein in powder form has been discovered by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Magtein can increase magnesium levels in the brain without putting anyone at risk. This leads to greater learning capacities, enhanced working memory, and improved short-term and long-term memory.

Magnesium L-threonate can be found in several sports drinks and is best taken in powder form. When magnesium enters the brain, it mostly interacts with NMDA receptors.

These receptors are part of the process by which new memories are formed. Magnesium has an effect that is significantly different from any other mineral’s function. Magtein Magnesium L-Threonate should be taken as a dietary supplement twice daily.

The recommended dosage is 1000 milligrams (mg) each time. This product is not meant to diagnose diseases, treat diseases, cure diseases, or stop diseases from happening in the first place.

When To Take Magnesium L-Threonate

When To Take Magnesium L-Threonate

Do you want to know when to take magnesium L-threonate? Magnesium is a mineral that plays an important role in the healthy functioning of the human body. It can be found in skeletal muscle and other soft tissues, including the heart, with any excess being deposited in the bones and teeth (which also keeps them strong and keeps calcium in proper balance).

Magnesium plays a multitude of roles, some of which include the production of energy, the metabolism of nutrients, the production of DNA, the regulation of blood sugar, the regulation of mood, the relaxation of the body and the mind, the control of electrical charge across muscles and nerves, and more than 600 enzyme reactions.

It also performs the role of an electrolyte, helping to keep the pH level stable and allowing the passage of water across cell membranes. That does sound like a really important point to make!

Because magnesium is essential to our bodies, we are unable to create it on our own and must instead receive it through the food we eat or through dietary supplements. Magnesium is readily available in the diets of plants, particularly those with high chlorophyll content. The pigment chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green colouration of plants, is rich in magnesium and can be thought of as the “blood” of plants.

Why is Magnesium L-threonate Needed?

This nutrient can be found in high concentrations in foods such as seaweed, dark leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. On the other hand, magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in Canada. More than 35% of the population not getting the average amount of magnesium they need.

This is because the diet does not contain enough complete and fresh foods, in addition to other factors such as improper digestion, the use of certain drugs, the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, sweets, and cigarettes, and a deficiency of magnesium in the soil as a consequence of farming practices that deplete nutrients in the soil. Our bodies are deprived of a mineral that is necessary for a wide variety of functions as a result of this. It should come as no surprise that neither of us is feeling particularly well right now.

Magnesium plays a role in relaxing a variety of physiological processes, which is why many of the acts outlined above involve magnesium. Consider anything challenging; in such a situation, wouldn’t everything become tense? On the other hand, magnesium makes it possible for all of those cells and tissues to unwind and relax.

The muscles, heart, digestive tract, and neurological system are all included in this category. These environments are meant to get tight when you are in danger, giving you the option to either leave or fight for your life. But since we’ve added so many more demands to the mix and become agitated over so many things that aren’t life-threatening, people living in the modern era spend more time in the fight/flight/freeze phase of their nervous system.

This is because we’ve added so many more stressors to the mix. As a direct consequence of this, the overall demand for magnesium will increase. When there is less money coming in, there is more work to be done. It looks like we’re in for some serious trouble! 

Ingredients of Magnesium L-threonate

  • Medicinal Ingredients in Each Serving:
  • Magnesium 50 mg (from Magnesium L-Threonate)
  • Ingredients different from those used in medicine
  • Flour from Brown Rice
  • Cellulose Microcrystalline
  • Magnesium stearate as an ingredient (Non-GMO Vegetable Source)
  • Pullulan/Hypromellose (Vegetarian Capsule).

Instructions on When and How to Take Magnesium

When To Take Magnesium L-Threonate

Dosage Recommended for Adults Only (Oral):

  • 1 capsule (1-3 times daily), 2 in the morning & 1 in the evening
  • Consulting a health care practitioner is recommended if the treatment is to be used for more than 3 months.
  • Before using this product, you should get the advice of a qualified medical professional if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Frequently Ask Questions

“How much magnesium l-threonate do you recommend that I take?”

In Canada, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is between 310 and 320 mg per day for adult females and 400 and 420 mg per day for adult males. This can be accomplished by a combination of eating well and taking nutritional supplements. You may not be able to absorb magnesium as well as usual due to the chronic stress in your life, or you may have increased requirements for magnesium.

As long as your kidneys are working as they should, you will be able to get rid of any extra fluid that your body does not require. In the capsule, there are just 50 milligrams of magnesium.

“Does that seem like a sufficient amount? How effective is this still?”

The amount of magnesium L-threonate in each capsule is not 50 mg; rather, the amount of elemental magnesium in each capsule is 50 mg. When comparing different things, it is essential to bear this in mind, even though it can be confusing. Because it is readily absorbed and able to cross the barrier that separates the blood from the brain, it has a higher magnesium content than other forms, which are more difficult to absorb.

You should begin by taking just one capsule of the 50 mg capsules and gradually increase your intake until you find the perfect amount for you to achieve the desired effects. This greater dose contains 150 mg of magnesium, which is the same amount of magnesium as is contained in magnesium supplements.

“What should I be looking out for whether or not I need to take magnesium?”

Take into consideration the effects of tension on the mood, the heart, the muscles, digestion, the head, the uterus, and so on. Muscle cramps, tiredness, and an irregular pulse have all been linked to low magnesium levels. Stress, concern, and other symptoms related to stress have all been linked to low magnesium levels. If you don’t get enough magnesium, you may be more likely to lose bones, get cavities, get kidney stones, and have other problems that come from having too much calcium.

“My magnesium levels are low, which form of the mineral should I take and when?”

When magnesium is combined with salts (such as citrate), around 30–40% of the magnesium is absorbed into the body and tissues. This absorption of magnesium helps to calm our muscles and nerves. The rest of it stays in the digestive tract, where it can continue to promote regular bowel motions and help keep the digestive tract healthy.

It is possible to take this daily without developing a dependency on it, and it is quite helpful for relieving constipation.

When compared to magnesium citrate, magnesium bisglycinate is absorbed at a rate that is more than twice as fast. Because of the link between magnesium and glycine amino acids, transporting magnesium across the mucosal lining of the digestive tract is made a great deal simpler. This combination is wonderful for promoting relaxation in both the body and the mind since it contains glycine, which has calming effects.

People whose bowels are healthy but whose bodies and minds could benefit from some genuine support and relaxation are the ideal candidates for magnesium L-threonate. Memory is enhanced by magnesium L-threonate because of its rapid absorption rate and ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Memory for both the short and the long term is improved as a result of this. If you have a weak link in your central nervous system, you need magnesium!

“Do I have to take calcium and magnesium at the same time?”

Taking calcium and magnesium together is an excellent choice if you have feelings of equilibrium and do not have any of the symptoms described in the previous paragraph. It is recommended that a ratio of two parts calcium to one part magnesium be taken, ideally in conjunction with some vitamin D and other bone-supporting components.

On the other hand, if you find that many of the symptoms described above apply to you, our bodies may have an excessive amount of calcium in comparison to magnesium. This is especially true in situations in which stress is constant or continuous. When we are under a lot of stress or have other signs of a magnesium deficiency, we might need to skip the calcium supplement and just take magnesium to get the balance back between these two elements.

When To Take Magnesium L-Threonate


Magnesium L-threonate is a mineral that plays an important role in the healthy functioning of the human body. It can be found in small amounts in skeletal muscle and other soft tissues, including the heart. Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in Canada. More than 35% of the population not getting the average amount of magnesium they need. People living in the modern era spend more time in the fight/flight/freeze phase of their nervous system.

This is because we’ve added so many more stressors to the mix. Magnesium makes it possible for all of those cells and tissues to unwind and relax. One may take 1-3 capsules that contain 150 mg of magnesium per day at 2 capsules in the morning & 1 in the evening. This is the same amount as is contained in our other magnesium supplements. If you don’t get enough magnesium, you may be more likely to lose bones, get cavities, get kidney stones, and have other problems.

Magnesium bis-glycinate is absorbed in a rate that is more than twice as fast as magnesium citrate. Because of the link between magnesium and glycine amino acids, transporting magnesium across the mucosal lining of the digestive tract is made a great deal simpler with this supplement.

Are Corn Tortillas Bad For Weight Loss?

is corn good for weight loss

Corn tortillas have always been a staple integral part of Mexican cuisine. Corn tortillas, simply known as tortillas, have been around even before the arrival of Europeans. Not only are they delicious, but they are also easy to make as well.

You can use corn tortillas as a wrapper for your meals. With an increased focus on staying healthy, especially these days, should you even consider tortillas? Are corn tortillas bad for weight loss?

In this article, we are going to explore corn tortillas and see how they can benefit you.

What Are Corn Tortillas?

Corn tortillas are a type of unleavened bread made from hominy, which is from whole kernels of maize treated with Akali to improve their nutritional value through the process called nixtamalization.

To start cooking, a simple flatbed dough, made of grounded dried hominy, salt, and water, is then formed into the familiar discs we know. These flat disks are then cooked on a very hot surface, typically with an iron griddle called a comal.

In South America, they have their own version of tortillas which uses the same ground maize. However, their cooking process results in a much thicker tortilla.

Corn Tortillas vs. Flour Tortillas

Corn tortillas are vastly different from the typical tortillas most of us know. Most tortillas you can see in stores are not made out of corn but instead flour.

Corn Tortilla Production

The traditional way of cooking is through using 100% corn. Today, mass-produced corn tortillas you see in stores are made of dehydrated cornflour with some wheat blended with it.

The cooking process used is still nixtamalization, but it in an industrial scale. Nixtamalization is an important step to ensure that the nutritional value of the corn tortillas stays relatively the same.

Flour Tortillas Production

On the other hand, we have flour tortillas, which are typically made of flour, wheat flour, water, baking soda, salt, and other ingredients to stimulate gluten growth. As a result, the tortillas are softer but have a sturdier texture.

Corn vs. Tortillas Nutritional Value

Given their unique production methods and ingredients, expect their nutritional values to be very different. 

Corn tortillas and mass-produced corn tortillas are considered whole grains. Whole grains provide more fibre, which is healthy for your heart and digestive system. Not only that, corn tortillas have a low amount of calories, carbs, and fats.

On the other hand, flour tortillas are mostly made out of carbs and calories—almost offering no nutritional value. Eating flour tortillas is like eating two layers of corn tortillas without the nutritional value.

Flour tortillas also have a lot of gluten, and if you have a gluten allergy, do not eat flour tortillas. Consider corn tortillas instead since they are 100% gluten-free.

Checking Out Tortillas in Restaurants

Are Corn Tortillas Bad For Weight Loss?

Corn tortillas are typically smaller and thinner, typically around 6 inches in diameter. On the other hand, flour tortillas are around 8 to 10 inches in diameter.

Authentic taco diners typically use two layers of corn tortillas to help hold the food. Keep that in mind if you are currently on a track for weight loss.

As for flour tortillas, taco diners typically only use one layer since they are sturdy. So if your dish requires a much sturdier tortilla, go for the flour, but if possible, ask to use wheat flour instead.

How Many Carbs are There in Corn Tortillas?

Corn tortillas are more healthy than flour tortillas, but it doesn’t mean that it has zero carbs. However, it shouldn’t mean that you should disregard corn tortillas entirely. Even the most whole wheat foods have carbs on them.

Corn tortillas are a good alternative to flour tortillas to help you lose weight. If you compare the corn tortillas and flour tortillas, in 45 grams, a corn tortilla has 20 grams, but a flour tortilla has 22 grams of carbs.

The larger the portion, the more carbs. Typically, flour tortillas are served in bigger proportions, so keep an eye on them.

What Type of Carbs is in Corn Tortilla?

Carbs in corn tortillas are made of wholesome grains. It is better to eat carbs that are in their natural states, such as fruits and vegetables, than sweets and sugars.

Are Corn Tortillas Healthy? 

Corn tortillas are healthy alternatives to plain flour tortillas. It is more natural, and so it has more nutrients than flour tortillas.

The main benefits of corn tortillas are their whole-grain properties. Corn tortillas are a good source of fibre and magnesium. Fibre aids in digestion, and magnesium plays a crucial role in your brain, heart, and muscle systems.

Corn tortillas also contain a small percentage of iron. Iron helps preserve crucial functions, such as creating blood, preserving the immune system, regulating body temperature, and general focus and energy.

Corn tortillas also contain small amounts of potassium. Potassium is an electrolyte, and these electrolytes are responsible for aiding electrical impulses being sent throughout the body. Potassium is essential in body functions such as blood pressure, muscle contractions, digestion, ph balance, and heart rhythm.

Your body doesn’t produce potassium naturally, so eat some corn tortillas to give your body potassium.

Are Tortillas Bad For Weight Loss? 

If you are eating non-whole wheat loaves of bread, corn tortillas are a great alternative. It will definitely help you lose weight since you will be eating fewer carbs and more vital nutrients go into your system.

Corn tortillas are typically smaller than flour tortillas in sizes too. You can easier control your eating portions that way.

How To Make Corn Tortillas Healthier?

If you want to maximize the health benefits of corn tortillas, control the proportions. When I mean proportions, you control the ingredients yourself. The only way you can do that is by cooking corn tortillas yourself.

There are corn tortillas recipes online that are designed to be as healthy as possible. These recipes are quick and easy, and you won’t have any trouble dealing with them. Make use of these recipes so that you can have the healthies corn tortillas just for you.

Does Diarrhea Cause Weight Loss

Does Diarrhea Cause Weight Loss

Does Diarrhea Cause Weight Loss?

When you have diarrhoea, your bowel movements are watery and loose. Worry not, because most of the time, diarrhoea is nothing serious. It’s common, and people experience diarrhoea at some point and even sometimes, a few times in a year. 

Diarrhoea can last up to 2 to 3 days. Some people are more prone to diarrhoea than others since our digestive systems react differently from each other. However, what if it lasts long? 

In rare cases, diarrhoea can last more than three days. You may need several trips to your bathroom to ease your bowel movements. With all the bio matter removed from your system, are you currently losing weight?

Diarrhoea And Weight Loss 

Does Diarrhea Cause Weight Loss

Diarrhoea that lasts more than three days will most likely cause weight loss. Sometimes, even severe weight loss. When that happens, you need to visit a doctor asap.

There are many causes of diarrhoea, such as traveller’s diarrhoea, food poisoning, irritable bowel syndrome, or stomach flu. Some of the causes of diarrhoea are mostly avoidable, but some are caused by other medical conditions. 

We are going to discuss the different causes of diarrhoea to inform ourselves. Do note, however, that the discussion of the causes is not a substitute for professional advice. Seek professional medical help if your symptoms are getting worse. 

Causes Of Diarrhea 

Traveller’s Diarrhea

Professional medical experts identify travellers’ diarrhoea as a digestive tract disorder that causes loose stools and abdominal cramps. As the name suggests, you can contract this diarrhoea during your travels. The cause of this diarrhoea is eating unfamiliar or contaminated food or drinks during your travel. 

When you visit a new place, your stomach is not used to their climate or sanitary practices. Travelling a lot will greatly increase the chances of contracting traveller’s diarrhoea. The unfamiliarity will “shock” your stomach causing loose and watery bowel movements. 

Symptoms of a traveller’s diarrhoea may start suddenly two or three days during or after your trip. Fortunately, within two to three days, your digestive system will recover itself completely. However, it can happen several times during your trip. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS for short, is a common condition that affects the digestive system.

The symptoms include stomach cramps, diarrhoea, bloating, and constipation. IBS typically happens once in a while, but it can last for days, weeks, or even months. When it comes or goes isn’t definitive.

For some, this syndrome is a lifelong problem, and they can only adapt. It’s frustrating, but they have no choice, and they can only wait for it to happen and deal with it. 

There’s no cure for IBS. Only through meds and diet changes can the syndrome be managed. The cause of the syndrome is unknown, but it has been linked to oversensitive guts or food moving too fast or too slow.

Food Poisoning 

Food poisoning is the result of eating toxic, spoiled, or contaminated food. The most common symptoms of food poisoning are vomiting, diarrhoea, and nausea. The experience is very uncomfortable, and it does happen quite a lot too.

While America is a first-world country, it still experiences several cases of food poisoning. Around 48 million Americans each year experience food poisoning. That’s roughly 1 in 6 Americans. Each year, food poisoning causes 128,000  hospitalizations and 3,00 deaths.

If you experience food poisoning, you will notice it at some point. Symptoms can vary a lot, and it can appear 1 hour after eating or even as much as 28 days later. 

Food poisoning can become deadly if not addressed immediately. Some symptoms indicate life-threatening food poisoning, and here are some of them:

  • Fever higher than 101.5°F
  • Diarrhoea that persists more than three days
  • Having difficulty speaking or seeing
  • Dehydration
  • Bloody Urine

There are several causes of food poisoning, such as bacterial, parasites, and viruses. Anyone at any age can be vulnerable to food poisoning. Statistically speaking, you will experience food poisoning at least once in your life.

A few can experience more severe cases of food poisoning if they have a suppressed immune system or auto-immune disease. Fortunately, most of the time, food poisoning goes away on its own after three to five days. 

How To Prevent Diarrhea 

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Every day, you touch several things such as doorknobs, switches, keyboards, and pretty much anything you need to touch. When you touch, you’ve been in contact with bacteria and viruses. 

At some point throughout the day, you may be touching your mouth with your contaminated hand. That’s when bacterias and viruses can enter their mouth and into your digestive system.

Here are some hygiene tips you can use to prevent diarrhoea:

  • Wash your hands before you eat and when using the bathroom
  • Wash your hands after touching animals
  • When you can’t wash your hands, use alcohol or hand sanitisers
  • Always wash your children’s hands because they touch anything

Next, you have to keep your food clean to avoid diarrhoea, and here is what you can do:

  • Cook meat thoroughly 
  • Wash fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid raw eggs
  • Store perishable food in the refrigerator or freezer
  • Keep utensils clean
  • Don’t handle food when you are sick with diarrhoea

How To Manage Diarrhea

Diarrhoea, in most cases, passes by after a couple of days. If you want to better manage your diarrhoea now, here are something you can do:

  • Intaking antibiotic or anti-parasitic medications. If viruses are the cause, these medications can’t help.
  • Intaking fluids. You will lose a lot of fluids when you have diarrhoea, replace them with water, juice, broth, and salt. 

Diarrhoea and Weight Loss

We do lose weight when we experience diarrhoea, but if you are using it for weight loss, don’t. Effective weight loss is about burning fats and calories—not fluids. The weight loss your experience in diarrhoea is caused by loss of fluids, not fats.

Once you go back to your daily routine, you will gain the weight back since you will inevitably drink water again.

Does Weight Loss Cause Hair Loss?

Does Weight Loss Cause Hair Loss

Does Weight Loss Cause Hair Loss?

Around 1.9 billion people around the world are currently considered medically obese. Obesity is associated with chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Being obese also lowers the overall quantity and quality of life. 

Studies have shown that obesity can reduce life expectancy by up to 8-14 years. Being obese is a risk, so more and more are striving to stay away from that risk. Many turn to diet and exercise or other programs to shed the weight away. 

As a result, some of them become fit and healthy. However, there are a few who seem to experience side effects because of their weight loss programs. One of these side effects is hair loss.

Does weight loss cause hair loss? Or is it just a coincidence?

Does Weight Loss Cause Hair Loss

Unfortunately, occasionally, weight loss does indeed cause hair loss—especially in extreme weight loss. The human body is sensitive to changes, it can adapt, but it takes time. For example, when you start working out, you will experience muscle soreness the next day. That’s why there should be rest days in between workouts to allow the body to recover.

Once you start a weight loss program, the body will change, adjusting where it has to. But if you lose weight too fast, there is no time to catch up. Your hormonal balance and nutrient distribution will be disrupted. One of the symptoms of these disruptions is hair follicles falling off. 

For example, you may experience telogen effluvium due to weight loss.  Telogen effluvium is a form of hair loss identified when the hair scalp starts to thin and shed. Fortunately, it can be treated, and the hair will grow back.

Here are some weight loss programs routines that may cause hair loss: 

Restrictive and Crash Diets

Linking crash diets and hair loss has been medically proven as far back as the 1970s. Depriving yourself of foods leads to weight loss, but it isn’t the best way to do it.

Crash diets may yield results now, but it doesn’t help long-term weight loss. Doing a crash diet deprives the body of carbohydrates, sugars, and fats—which causes weight loss. However, crash diets also deprive the body of essential nutrients. 

Hair follicles need adequate nutrients and calories to grow. So when there is a shortage, the body will start to ration and send the nutrients to the organs which are needed to keep you alive. It will deprive the hair, and it will slowly start to wither.

For women, the hair will get thinner, and for men, they will experience male pattern baldness.

Hair loss caused by crash diets can be fixed. Poorly planned crash diets cause deficiencies in essential nutrients and much-needed calories. Plan the dietary program well, and there won’t be hair loss issues.

Low Protein Count

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. The protein is then used in the human body to perform bodily functions, grow, and repair body tissue. Not many know that amino acids are also responsible for hair growth.

Our body needs 22 amino acids, but 9 of them cannot be synthesized within the body. The only you can get these amino acids is through food sources or supplements. Without them, hair follicles will start to thin and shed.

These acids are essential to not only growing hair but also keeping it healthy. It is responsible for its tensile strength, shine, and hair density. If there is a low supply, the body will transfer these acids to do important tasks like tissue repair, digestion, and hormone production.

On top of that, without amino acids that make protein, it will be harder to lose weight. Protein builds muscles, and if there are no muscles, there is nothing that will burn the calories away. 

Weight Loss Surgeries 

Some weight-loss surgeries are known to cause hair loss as a side effect. The cause of hair loss is the same as for restrictive or crash diets, nutrient deficiency.

Women who have undergone gastrectomy, a surgery that removes a large portion of the stomach, have been observed to experience hair loss after the surgery. These patients are noted to have lacked essential nutrients such as vitamin B12 and zinc.

If you are currently experiencing hair loss after surgery, consult your doctor. Your doctor can give you medications to help grow your hair back.

When To See A Doctor? 

If hair loss is persistent and doesn’t seem to be improving, consult your doctor. Most hair loss induced by weight loss will pass by on its own after several months. However, it is still advised to consult a doctor. The earlier hair loss is addressed, the less likely it will become permanent.

If hair loss is sudden despite doing proper diet and exercise, urgently consult a doctor. Sudden hair loss may indicate an underlying health condition. 

Hair Loss Treatments 

Thanks to modern medicine, hair loss can be prevented, stopped, or even grow back. 


There are hair loss medications that can be bought in a pharmacy, and it’s that easy. But first, consult your doctor for a prescription. Here are some prescriptions you can buy in a pharmacy.

Minoxidil – Minoxidil is a drug that thickens hair follicles. As a result, the hair starts growing and thickens.

Finasteride – Finasteride is another drug commonly used to treat male pattern baldness. It suppresses the DHT hormones that cause hair scalp to grow thinner. Once suppressed, the hair starts to grow back and thickens. 


If you are currently experiencing severe male pattern baldness, there are transplant options. The transplant procedure involves moving some of the hair from the back to the front. Once transplanted, hairs at the front will start growing again. 

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is the newest tech to help recover from hair loss. The procedure involves beaming concentrated light into your hair follicles to encourage them to grow. The results of the procedure are mixed. It works wonders for others but is barely noticeable for others. 

Does Wellbutrin Cause Weight Loss?

Does Wellbutrin Cause Weight Loss

Does Wellbutrin Cause Weight Loss?

Wellbutrin is a medication prescribed to help treat severe cases of depression and seasonal affective disorder. It is one of the antidepressants medications, and it is also referred to as its generic name bupropion. The medication can be prescribed with other medications if approved by the doctor.

The effectiveness and side effects of the medications can depend on the individual. Wellbutrin is linked to causing anxiety, but for others, it is used to treat anxiety disorders. Sometimes, Wellbutrin may also cause weight loss. Is this truth or myth? Can you use Wellbutrin to help you lose weight?

Wellbutrin is a medication not anyone should take. Before you decide to take Wellbutrin, consider its effects first. Here is some information you need to know before you use Wellbutrin. 

What is Wellbutrin and What Does it Do? 

Does Wellbutrin Cause Weight Loss

Wellbutrin is an antidepressant medication that targets brain functions. The medication is FDA-approved and safe for use. Currently, it is used on treating depression, seasonal affective disorder, and assisting people in quitting smoking.

Wellbutrin is only available if prescribed by your doctor. Once prescribed, follow the instructions by the doctor or in the label in the bottle. You will also be directed when to use the medication and for how long.

Consult your doctor so that they can determine how much and how often to take the medication. 

Side Effects

Side effects of Wellbutrin include vomiting, headache, constipation, sweating,  joint aches, dizziness, and dry mouth. Their effects are only temporary, but if they are persistent, notify your doctor about it.

The medication has serious side effects on others, but for some, barely any. It is the doctor’s responsibility to ascertain if the medication is good for you or not. Help them by providing them with the feedback they need.

Another side effect of the medication is increased blood pressure. Check your pulse daily and report it back to the doctor. Promptly tell the doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Panic Attacks
  • Severe Headaches
  • Worsened Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Eye swelling, Eye Redness, Blurred Vision
  • Seizure
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Aggressive Behavior
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Tremors

These severe side effects are rare, but they do happen. Allergic reactions to Wellbutrin have been noted to cause rash, itching, swelling, and trouble breathing. Even this list doesn’t encompass all the side effects of Wellbutrin.

Some young people may experience suicidal thoughts once taking Welbutrin. If you start having one, contact your family members or your doctor to keep them updated on the situation. The doctor will perform regular visits while you are on the medicine to check up on you. 

If you feel that major discomfort because of the medication, don’t hesitate to call your doctor. 

When Not To Use Wellbutrin

Wellbutrin has been observed to interact with other medications, vitamins, or herbs. The interaction will result in myriads of effects and change the efficacy of the drug. The result of the interaction may reduce the effectiveness or even cause damages.

To help avoid complications, your doctor will have to know all the meds you are currently using. Make sure to tell them about your diet, day-to-day activity, and the vitamins you are intaking.

Here are examples of when not to use Wellbutrin:

Other Medications

Antidepressants Intaking other antidepressants can cause a conflict or will stack up with Wellbutrin. The added chemicals can cause side effects such as seizures. If you need other drugs together with Wellbutrin, the doctor will slowly increase the dosage to give the body time to adapt.

Blood Thinners – Blood thinners can cause your body to doses of Wellbutrin in your body to spike up. Your doctor may need to adjust the dosage to keep the levels low.

Anti-arrhythmics – Wellbrutin with antiarrhythmics can cause side effects such as fainting and slow heartbeats. The dosage also needs to be lowered when using anti-arrhythmic medications.

Alcohol  Wellbrutin, together with too many alcoholic drinks, can induce a seizure. The risks also increase when it’s a habit of drinking alcohol and then you suddenly stop. Talk to your doctor about it.

Certain drugs can decrease the Wellbutrin effectiveness; here are some examples:

Anti-Seizure Drugs – Anti-seizure drugs suppress the effects of Wellbutrin. Your doctor needs to increase the dosage to make the drug work.

HIV Drugs – HIV drugs also suppress the effects of Wellbutrin, and an increased dosage is also required.

Note that Wellbutrin affects each individual differently, and there is no guarantee that you will have any of the effects above. Our article is not a replacement for your doctor. Always ask for professional advice before making a decision that may change your life. 

Health Conditions

If you have any of these health conditions, Wellbutrin is not highly advised. The drug may worsen your current health condition.

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Kidney Problems
  • Liver Problems
  • Seizure Disorder

Other Groups

If you also belong to any of these categories, you shouldn’t use Wellbutrin.

  • Pregnant Women
  • When Breastfeeding
  • Seniors
  • Children

Does Wellbutrin Cause Weight Loss? 

Information about Wellbutrin causing weight loss is mixed. Some experience weight fluctuations, other gain weight, and a few lost weight. 

Should You Take Wellbutrin For Weight Loss?

The chances of Wellbutrin causing weight loss are slim. Each body reacts differently to medications. Even if it is effective, Wellbutrin is not specifically designed for weight loss. You are more likely to gain weight than lose it.

Instead, you should opt for weight loss pills to help you in your weight loss journey. But these medications alone do not cause weight loss—no drug is a magic bullet for weight loss. Only through proper diet and exercise that weight loss can happen. Drugs only help it, and it doesn’t do it themselves. 

There are side effects with weight loss medications, but they are mellow compared to Wellbutrin side effects. They are mild, and you will get used to them. 

As always, go to your doctor and consult them about using weight loss medications. Seek professional advice so that you can achieve a long-term solution instead of temporary weight loss.

How Long Do Weight Plateaus Last?

How Long Do Weight Plateaus Last

Experiencing a standstill in your weight loss journey is normal. The unfortunate part would be to stop when there is no progress happening because a standstill only means a weight plateau. Is that a dead end? No. There are just a few tweaks you need to do to your routines to get out of the plateau.

How Long Do Weight Plateaus Last?

It happens to most of us, whether we’re athletes or those who are trying to achieve weight loss. You are working hard to achieve your desired weight, and then suddenly, one day, you see no improvement. So you increase your workout intensity, and still, the weighing scale is not budging at all.

Not only does it budge, but the weighing scale also doesn’t move at all despite weeks or even months of effort. You made changes in your dietary plan, and yet, there are still no changes. It’s very discouraging that you worked so hard for it, and suddenly, it came to an abrupt halt.

If the weighing scale doesn’t move at all, you might be wondering, is there something wrong? Why am I not improving? The reason for that dilemma is that you have reached your weight plateau.

Fortunately, all hope is not lost, and perhaps, you can do something about it. But first, you need to understand why it happens before knowing how to get past the weight loss plateau to achieve your health goals. 

What Is A Weight Loss Plateau?

How Long Do Weight Plateaus Last

Following a strict diet and exercise is a difficult task, no matter who you are. You need to develop it into a habit and strictly follow the guidelines to achieve the desired weight. When you do start, the improvements only come after a week or so.

Finally, you have seen improvements, and you are steadily losing weight at a fixed rate. Now, you just need to keep it up until you reach your goal. Your goals might even take six months to complete, and yet you persevere.

Fast forward a few months, the progress starts to stall. At first, you start to notice that you aren’t losing as much weight. A few weeks later, there is barely any progression at all. Finally, there is no progress no matter what you do.

Why does that happen? There are a few theories, but to sum it up, your body is adapting to changes.

We often think that weight loss is a linear progression. We think of it as going down at a fixed and steady rate. However, that isn’t the case. The ideal weight loss journey is straight down. But in reality, there are fluctuations, meaning there are ups and downs.  It isn’t ideal, but it is practical for long-term weight loss goals.

But why does it happen?

What Is Weight Loss Progression Plateau?

Typically, weight loss plateaus happen after six months of progression. There are several theories as to why they happen, and here are some of the theories:

Losing Muscle Mass

When you start your weight loss routine, it’s not just fat stores that are being used up. A certain small amount of muscles are also burned up as well. According to research, 25% of the body tissue that was lost in weight loss is muscle.

You won’t necessarily lose strength, so it might not seem like a big deal, but you need those muscles. Your muscles are critical in helping you lose weight faster. The more muscles you have, the more energy is needed to use despite being at rest. So if you lose your muscles, your metabolic rate is reduced. As a result, fewer fats to burn.

To spring your muscles back up, start doing some strength training exercises. Once you build your muscles, even at rest, those muscles will burn fats real quick. 

SetPoint Theory

Our bodies have a built-in natural set point, and this set point is determined by the environment or by your DNA. The factors are hard to quantify, and there could be a lot more reasons why it happens.

One thing is for sure our bodies have a set point. When you reach the setpoint, the body recognises that it is comfortable at that determined weight. So if you have exhausted all options, and you are still stuck at that weight, you might have reached the limit. Attempts to reduce weight any further might instead gain weight due to muscle development. 

Fewer Calories 

Another factor in losing weight is that you may need fewer calories than you initially thought. Among the causes of weight loss plateau, this is by far the most prevalent case.

Weight loss is simply not just about eating less. It’s impossible to lose much weight without exercise—unless, of course, you are starving yourself. Even then, after starving yourself, you will gain your weight back once you start eating again because of the hunger and craving you face.

To achieve successful long-term weight loss, you need two factors. Proper diet and exercise, and many researchers agree because of the healthy routine that discipline takes from this.

Other Factors

Other factors may lead to weight loss plateaus, such as medications, pregnancy, menopause, or adrenal gland problems. Consult your doctor on why your weight loss program is plateauing.

How To Overcome Weight Loss Plateau

If your current routine is not getting results, perhaps it’s time to mix it up a little. Here are some ways you can use to overcome your weight loss plateau. 

Record Your Eating Habits

A lot of us typically underestimate the number of calories we take in. To see if calories have is causing your weight loss to plateau, start writing down your eating habits. Record what you eat and drink throughout the day, and then check how many calories it has.

The results might surprise you. Now that you have the records, you can start to set things straight. Limiting alcohol and sugar is one of the most effective ways to successfully break through the plateau. 

Increase Exercise Intensity

Adjust your workouts accordingly as soon as your progress starts to dwindle. When you start to exercise, your fitness level gradually improves. The more fit you are, the more things you can do. Expand your horizon, and see what you can do with your improved body.

Also, start doing some strength training exercises to build up your muscles. The more muscles you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be.

Better Sleep

Studies have shown that sleeping enough hours can improve weight loss outcomes. Sleeping might just be the thing you are looking for.

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